woman in the sun

Can You Still Get Vitamin D on a Cloudy Day?

Posted on April 4, 2023 by Uscriptives

Any wellness seeker used to getting their daily dose of the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, from spending time outside may be wondering, can you still get vitamin D on a cloudy day? We’ve got good news for you; you can still get significant sun exposure during the winter months, on cloudy days, or on days with heavy cloud cover, even in northern latitudes. Keep reading to learn exactly how!

Vitamin D and Its Benefits

Vitamin D is a hormone produced naturally in the body, and ultraviolet light from the sun’s UV rays is what triggers its creation! This is why it is commonly believed that spending time in the sun can help produce vitamin D. 

Getting your daily dose of vitamin D is essential because this valuable nutrient plays a very important role in our overall health. Vitamin D possesses mood-lifting and immune system-boosting properties in addition to being fundamental for heart, gut, muscle, joint, brain, and bone health! Vitamin D also plays a role in hormone, insulin, and cell cycle regulation. 

Studies show that having a vitamin D deficiency, meaning that your body is lacking proper vitamin D levels, can take a toll on your overall health. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, severe lack of vitamin D can result in rickets and osteomalacia in children and adults.

foods rich in vitamin D

Can You Still Get Vitamin D on a Cloudy Day?

Yes! You can still get vitamin D on a cloudy day. Even if the sky is overcast, UV rays still penetrate that cloud cover, triggering the synthesis of vitamin D. Even though that’s the case, if you’d rather not spend time outside when the sun isn’t out, there are other ways to get vitamin D into your system. 


Certain foods are rich in vitamin D, and including them in your diet can help naturally supplement vitamin D levels in your system! We recommend the following vitamin D-rich foods: 

  • Cod Liver Oil 
  • Salmon 
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna Fish
  • Sardines
  • Fortified Orange Juice
  • Fortified Dairy or Plant-Based Milk
  • Beef Liver


If food and sunshine alone aren’t enough to supplement your vitamin D levels, you can always look into taking a vitamin D supplement

Before you begin taking any new supplement, be sure to speak with your doctor about the type of supplement routine that is right for you. Your doctor will perform tests to assess your current vitamin D levels and then direct you toward the vitamin that will work best to help support your overall health. 

woman taking vitamins

Find Your Formula With Uscriptives

Uscriptives offers both Vitamin D3 5000 and Vitamin D3 2000 supplements for those looking to add a vitamin D supplement to their daily wellness routine. These supplements are perfectly designed to support healthy levels of vitamin D, and in turn support bone, brain and heart health, weight management, and more!

These vitamins contain no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, yeast, sugar, dairy, gluten or soy and are manufactured under climate-controlled conditions in Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and National Science Foundation (NSF) certified facilities under Federal Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in the United States of America! 

So, can you still get vitamin D on a cloudy day? Yes! However, you can also take Uscriptives Vitamin D3 supplements. To learn more about our vitamin D supplements and our other fantastic health and wellness formulas, visit our website! 

Invest in your wellness with Uscriptives vitamins

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