Best Vitamins for Dry, Aging Skin

Best Vitamins for Dry, Aging Skin

Posted on November 11, 2021 by Uscriptives

If our bodies were a machine, vitamins would be the oil that helps keep everything running smoothly. From giving us energy to get through the day to healing the parts of our body that get damaged as we go through life, to protecting and fortifying the organs that keep us moving–vitamins do it all. So, it comes as no surprise that there are some that improve skin health as well.

The skin is our body’s largest organ–our first line of defense against all manner of harmful stimuli such as bacteria or temperature extremes, just to name a few. Healthy skin will do everything in its power to protect us from all of it, which is why proper skincare should be high on our list of priorities when it comes to our overall health. Not only will treating your skin well keep you looking young and healthy, it will minimize your risk of exposure to harm from both the environment and from physical accidents.

What vitamins should I take for dry skin?

What Vitamins Are You Lacking When You Have Dry Skin?

It stands to reason that when you’re suffering from dry skin–whether just once in a while or on a chronic basis–the remedy is to moisturize, actively healing that dry skin with as much hydration as it can tolerate. When we think of hydration, we think of water, right? But did you know that certain fats and proteins are also necessary to help keep our skin properly hydrated? Many supplements, like Uscriptives’s Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails, are specifically formulated for those needing to treat dry skin since they are packed full of helpful vitamins and minerals. Some of the best vitamins for dry skin are listed below, along with their purpose in the process.

Vitamin B

B-vitamins play a major role in healing skin damage, and each one has a different purpose. For example:

  • B1 – rich in antioxidants, which benefit circulation and slow the signs of aging.
  • B2 – being deficient in B2 directly causes skin dryness, especially in the lips.
  • B3 – encourages the production of essential fatty acids needed to protect the skin.
  • B12 – produces proteins that aid in skin repair and hydration maintenance while jumpstarting the body’s metabolism.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a direct correlation with collagen production, which is the primary protein found in skin. This vitamin’s antioxidants encourage the repair of both the skin cells themselves and any UV damage received from too much sun exposure.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the primary vitamin in the epidermal layer of our skin–the top layer. Our skin creates it due to sun exposure, and the vitamin then helps treat or prevent skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis. For this reason, Vitamin D supplements are commonly recommended for those with chronic dry skin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is oil-based, which is ideal when helping replenish or replace the lipids in any dry layers of skin. This vitamin also helps prevent and reduce inflammation in the skin thanks to its antioxidants. This is a popular vitamin for preventing skin conditions thanks to its protective properties.


Iron is a key mineral found in our blood, and it plays an important role in how our skin heals itself. It helps to protect the skin by encouraging the healing of any flesh wounds and bruises, keeping the skin healthy so it can protect the rest of our body.


Biotin is another B-vitamin–one that improves the health of your eyes, hair, liver, nervous system, and skin all at once. It does so by producing essential fatty acids that keep oil glands functioning the way they’re supposed to and actively nourishing your skin. This is also an essential vitamin for pregnant women, as Biotin has a significant role in the growth of embryos.


If you’ve previously looked into skincare–or if you’re a serious athlete–chances are you’ve heard of collagen before. This crucial protein is naturally created by our bodies and is the cornerstone of the health of our skin, hair, nails, and joints. Unfortunately, this is one of the proteins that our bodies produce less and less of as we age, making it the best supplement for crepey skin.


Antioxidants are absolutely vital to our health for a wide variety of reasons, particularly in the fight against free radicals, which cause long-term damage to our skin thanks to UV damage and pollution.

Collagen supplements are one of the best and most effective supplements for older skin.

What is Good for Old, Dry Skin?

One of the best and most effective supplements for older skin suffering from chronic dryness is collagen. It has several uses from aiding in skin, nail, and eye health to improving muscle and joint recovery both during and after exercise. Uscriptives’s Collagen Peptides formula is an easy option to introduce to your diet by just adding it to a shake, smoothie, or your drink of choice.

What Do Dermatologists Recommend for Extremely Dry Skin?

Chances are, the first thing a dermatologist is going to want to address for extremely dry skin is water loss. If you’re experiencing this on a chronic level, they’ll recommend a moisturizer that can both hydrate and heal any dry, damaged skin, hopefully preventing any further damage from being done.

Additionally, they will likely want to take a blood sample to determine if you have any deficiencies in any of the vitamins listed above. If so, they’ll typically recommend taking a supplement to address those deficiencies, along with prescribing a topical treatment for you to apply on specific problem areas.

Naturally, it’s important to discuss these issues with your doctor before making any sudden changes to your skincare routine; be sure to have an open discussion with your dermatologist and/or primary care physician about your concerns and your current routine. If there are any issues with your current routine, such as using a product that is doing more harm than good without you realizing it, they can make corrective suggestions.

Everyone’s skin is unique, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for having healthy skin. However, there are plenty of ways to go about improving your skin health when you know what it is you need. From the right vitamins to the right routine, your dermatologist can help set you up with supplements that will be perfectly suited to your personal needs.

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