8 Vitamin Supplements for Muscle Repair – Heal & Recovery for Pain
Posted on April 9, 2021 by Uscriptives
Muscle pain is an ailment that plagues us all at some point in our lives, be it from illness, lack of sleep, exercise, chronic conditions, or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Thankfully, there are myriad ways to address this type of pain without relying on powerful painkillers that can have lasting, harmful side effects. This article will discuss several vitamin supplements for muscle repair that can positively impact your health and help heal for the muscle pains.
Vitamin D – Anti-Inflammatory for Muscle Pain Recovery
We all know this one—the “Sunshine Vitamin”—given its nickname because we can receive its benefits simply by being out in the sunlight. However, we rarely get all of the Vitamin D we need from the sun alone, especially while in quarantine or otherwise being stuck indoors. That’s where supplements come in, giving you an easy way to ensure you get all of the Vitamin D you need on a regular basis.
But what does Vitamin D do? What makes it so important? First and foremost, this vitamin helps your body better absorb other nutrients, including those listed below. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief from the kinds of aches and pains that tend to attack your muscles and joints when you’re fighting off a flu virus. Those with Vitamin D deficiency are also more likely to report issues with aching muscles. Hence, this is on the top of the list when it comes to vitamin supplements for muscle repair.
You can get Vitamin D through different kinds of supplements—both D2 and D3 options will work. There is evidence to suggest that D3 is better received and more productive within the human body and D3 is the one primarily available over the counter.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 is a major player when it comes to reducing inflammation and, therefore, has a wide range of uses. This fatty acid is most commonly found in oily fish and can reduce muscle soreness, aid in pain relief, and even encourage muscle growth and muscle recovery either post workout or after some otherwise physically taxing experience.
Omega-3 supplements may also improve cognitive and heart health, such as with Uscriptives’ Super Omega-3 supplement. An additional benefit of Super Omega-3 is that, while reducing inflammation, it also helps protect your collagen levels, which is a key component in your body’s connective tissues.
One struggle that we are likely all familiar with is how our energy levels dwindle whenever we’re sick. Add to that the stress of quarantine and drastic changes in our lifestyles, and our energy can be at an all-time low, which has a negative effect on our overall health and wellbeing.
CoQ10 is a cellular component that is present throughout our body and supports protein synthesis and cell growth. It can be synthesized from amino acids within our body, but we often don’t create enough CoQ10 to maintain and grow cells, leading to decreased energy and organ function. The CoQ10 supplement functions as an antioxidant, an energy booster, protection for cells from damaging free radicals that wreak havoc on the body’s immune system, and even digestive aid.
Turmeric – A Great Vitamin Supplement for Muscle Pain
Speaking of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, turmeric is a natural source of both that has been used as such for centuries. Uscriptives’ Organic Turmeric & Black Pepper supplement maximizes turmeric’s effects on the body by combining it with black pepper, which increases the body’s ability to absorb and utilize the anti-inflammatory components of the turmeric.
Multivitamin Supplement for Muscle Pain
This probably goes without saying, but you can’t go wrong with opting for a multivitamin, since those are like one-stop shops for most crucial vitamins and supplements. Most will have your daily dosage of several of those listed above, curbing the need to stock up on several different bottles of individual supplements. For example, Uscriptives has a Multivitamin for Adults that includes:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamins B1, 2, 6, and 12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Folic Acid
- Niacin
- Biotin
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Chromium
- CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
So if you’re just looking to improve your levels of all of the above rather than focusing on a single deficiency, a multivitamin may be a better option for you.
Other Vitamins
With vitamin supplement for muscle pain, some other common vitamins and their respective uses include:
Vitamin E
Improves the body’s circulation and gives the immune system a boost while increasing the body’s ability to repair damaged tissue and protect connective tissues against future injuries.
Vitamin C
Possibly the most recognizable vitamin when it comes to boosting your body’s immune system, Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties, aids in muscle repair, and also protects muscle cells from damaging free radicals while aiding in the body’s overall healing processes.
Aids in muscle repair and helps to reduce your risk of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, a common condition brought on after a workout if you are magnesium-deficient.
And, of course, we cannot forget about the importance of a good night’s sleep when discussing your overall health and wellbeing. Improving the quality of your sleep has been shown to boost the body’s immune system and ability to recover from illness, exercise, and other strenuous life activities and events. Uscriptives’ Natural Sleep Formula combines melatonin, valerian root, and other sleep aids to assist you in having a full night of restful sleep on a regular basis.
Supplements for Repair – Recover from Muscle Pain
When it comes to maintaining a wellness routine and healthy lifestyle, it can be difficult to keep up with the various aspects. If you have been implementing a fitness routine and are experiencing muscle pain, vitamin supplements for muscle repair can help you stay on track for your goals without slowing down. Wellness is a journey, and, as your wellness partner, Uscriptives will continue to do it’s best to help you along the way.